APA News

  • Retirement of Jane McLauchlin

    Jane McLaughlin (left) with APA President Liz Moran. Photo, courtesy of Emma Downie

    The APA marked the retirement of Jane McLauchlin with a presentation at the RSC at the end of March. Jane administered the Mastership in Chemical Analysis (MChemA) qualification for the Royal Society of Chemistry for the last thirteen years. Many current public analysts qualified during her tenure. The Association presented Jane with a token of appreciation for her enthusiasm in administering and promoting the Mastership in Chemical Analysis. Liz Moran, President of the APA, presented her with a glass bowl engraved with the seal of the Association and a fruit tree.  Liz said “Jane has always been passionate and encouraging to MChemA candidates, myself included, and helped many of us through what can seem a daunting experience. We wish Jane well in her retirement and thank her for all her efforts over the years”.